Professional Electric Chicken Roaster Power 7.2KW, with 2 Spits, Capacity 8-10 Chickens, Water Drawer, Fireproof Glass Doors, Motor for each Spit with Independent Operation
Professional Electric Chicken Roaster Power 7.2KW, with 2 Spits, Capacity 8-10 Chickens, Water Drawer, Fireproof Glass Doors, Motor for each Spit with Independent Operation
Professional Electric Chicken Roaster Power 10.4KW, with 9 Spits, Capacity 36-45 Chickens, Water Drawer, Fireproof Glass Doors, Motor for each Spit with Independent Operation
Professional Electric Lamb Roaster Power 9.5KW, with 3 Spits, 2 Spits for Lamb and 1 for Chicken
Professional Gas Grill 10KW, Consumption 0.652kg/h, with 7 Grills, entirely made of stainless steel, Sekurit Glass Door with High Resistance to High Temperatures, Ideal for Grilling, Chicken, Kebabs, Roasters, Shrimps, Chickens, Chickens, Fish etc.
Professional Electric Grill Power 6.5KW, with 7 Spits, Entirely Made of Stainless Steel, Sekurit Glass Door with Great Resistance to High Temperatures, Ideal for Short Spit, Rooster, Chicken, Chicken, etc.
Professional Electric Chicken Broiler Power 4.2KW, Compact Dimensions, with 2 Spits, Capacity 8-10 Chickens, Water Drawer, Fireproof Glass Doors, Motor for each Spit with Independent Function
Professional Gas Chicken Roaster Power 10÷18KW, with 2 Skewers, Chickens per Skewer 3÷6, Skewer Length 89.5÷123.5cm
Professional Gas Chicken Roaster Power 10÷18KW, with 3 Skewers, Chickens per Skewer 3÷6, Skewer Length 89.5÷123.5cm
Professional Gas Chicken Roaster Power 10÷18KW, with 5 Skewers, Chickens per Skewer 3÷6, Skewer Length 89.5÷123.5cm
Professional Gas Chicken Roaster Power 10÷18KW, with 7 Skewers, Chickens per Skewer 3÷6, Skewer Length 89.5÷123.5cm
Professional Gas Chicken Broiler Power 10KW, with 4 Baskets with a Total Capacity of 16 Chickens, Consumption 0.8kg/h, with Small Dimensions and Impressive Design, with Internal Lighting, with Fireproof Crystal that enables Instant
Professional Electric Chicken Roaster Power 4KW, with 2 Spits with a Total Capacity of 10 Chickens, made of Stainless Steel, with Front and Back Fireproof Glass Showcases for immediate monitoring, with Lighting in the Cooking Chamber, with a Drawer Fat Collector, with Independent Motors on the Spits 4.5 turns
Professional Electric Chicken Roaster Power 10KW, with 5 Spits with a Total Capacity of 20-25 Chickens, made of Stainless Steel, with a Showcase in front of Fireproof Glass for immediate supervision, with Lighting in the Cooking Chamber, with a Drawer Fat Collector, with Independent Motors on the Spits 4.5 turns
Professional Electric Chicken Broiler Power 10KW, Capacity 30-35 Chickens, with the Possibility of Removing the Skewers and Repositioning them by Opening a Door Allows Easy Loading- Unloading and Cleaning, with a Grease Collector where a little water is placed to Avoid Smoke from dripping fats
Professional Electric Chicken Broiler Power 10KW, Capacity 30-35 Chickens, with the Possibility of Removing the Skewers and Repositioning them by Opening a Door Allows Easy Loading- Unloading and Cleaning, with a Grease Collector where a little water is placed to Avoid Smoke from dripping fats
Professional Electric Chicken Roaster Power 10KW, with 9 Spits with a Total Capacity of 54-63 Chickens, made of Stainless Steel, with Front and Back Fireproof Glass Showcases for immediate monitoring, with Lighting in the Cooking Chamber, with a Drawer Fat Collector, with Independent Motors on the Spits 4.5 turns
Professional Electric Chicken Broiler Power 10KW, with 6 Rotating Baskets with a Total Capacity of 36 Chickens, with Lighting, with Fireproof Glass Front and Back for Easy Monitoring, with a Drawer Grease Collector where Water is Placed for Easy Cleaning and Avoiding Smoke, with High Quality Resistors and Electric Motors for Long-Term Use