Traditional professional pizza oven of the Forni Morello company, with a maximum temperature of 500°C and a power of 23kW. The electric oven is ideal for smaller shops with low pizza production
Traditional professional pizza oven of the Forni Morello company, with a maximum temperature of 500°C and a power of 23kW. The electric oven is ideal for smaller shops with low pizza production
Traditional professional pizza oven of the Forni Morello company, with a maximum temperature of 500°C and a power of 21kW. It runs on LPG and is ideal for shops with high production. The advantages of a gas oven are that it cooks the pizza evenly, thus ensuring a crispy crust.
Παραδοσιακός επαγγελματικός φούρνος πίτσας της εταιρείας Forni Morello, με μέγιστη θερμοκρασία 500°C και ισχύ 36kW. Λειτουργεί με υγραέριο και είναι ιδανικός για καταστήματα με μεγάλη παραγωγή. Στα πλεονεκτήματα ενός φούρνου υγραερίου είναι πως ψήνει την πίτσα ομοιόμορφα εξασφαλίζοντας έτσι τραγανή κρούστα.
Traditional professional pizza oven of the Forni Morello company, with a maximum temperature of 500°C and a power of 43kW. It runs on LPG and is ideal for shops with high production. The advantages of a gas oven are that it cooks the pizza evenly, thus ensuring a crispy crust.
Traditional professional pizza oven of the Forni Morello company, with a maximum temperature of 500°C and a power of 49kW. It runs on LPG and is ideal for shops with high production. The advantages of a gas oven are that it cooks the pizza evenly, thus ensuring a crispy crust.