Reference: 02.204.079
Air-Gas Mixture Combustion Heating Ducts, Radiant Heating, Fanless Operation, Zone-Specific Heating Capable, Double Safety Tubular Gas Valve, Steel Ducts, 5 Heat Levels with Remote Control, Heat Level and Error Alert, Safety Valve
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RADIUM heating pipes are modern devices, designed to heat high ceilings and large spaces. They are ideal for factories, warehouses, industrial areas, garages, tennis courts, indoor markets, gyms, car repair shops and similar places.
Radiums work by burning an air-gas mixture inside the tubes, burning up to 800°C. Heat is transferred into the radiant zone directly from the device. With the help of the device's specially designed reflector, the heat is directed to the floor of the room, so that it is felt at the lower levels, which are used the most. These devices heat objects and people without heating the air. This results in the air temperature not rising and thus ensuring optimal thermal comfort.
Radium Conductors are manufactured in two basic types: U-type and I-type, each of which is more efficient depending on the type of building in which it is installed.
-Exhaust gases are removed from the space through a special exhaust gas removal system.
-Quick start and immediate thermal performance.
-Energy saving.
-Fanless operation to prevent dust stirring.
-Ability to heat specific zones in a space.
-Heated spaces do not require additional ventilation.
-Thermal comfort (thermal comfort).
-Tubular gas valve with double safety.
- High efficiency and thermal radiation steel pipes.
-5 levels of heating with remote control or thermostat operation.
-Heating level and error notification on the device screen.
-Increased performance thanks to the specially designed construction of the devices.
-High safety, includes a safety valve.
-Simple maintenance.
-Easy and quick assembly.
-Low emissions.
-Silent mode.
Air-Gas Mixture Combustion Heating Ducts, Radiant Heating, Fanless Operation, Zone-Specific Heating Capable, Double Safety Tubular Gas Valve, Steel Ducts, 5 Heat Levels with Remote Control, Heat Level and Error Alert, Safety Valve
5.3KW Gas Power Mirror with 3 Ceramic Plates and Manual Ignition
Ceramic Mirror Power 25KW, Consumption 1.76kg/h, Thermal Coverage 30÷55m2, with 12 Infrared Ceramic Plates, 2 Heating Levels, Automatic Ignition, Metal Body, Tilting, Remote Control Operation, Ideal for Professional Spaces such as cafes, restaurants, factories , etc.,
Ceramic Mirror Power 12KW, Consumption 0.84kg/h, Thermal Coverage 18÷40m2, with 6 Infrared Ceramic Plates, 2 Heating Levels, Automatic Ignition, Metal Body, Tilting, Remote Control Operation, Ideal for Professional Spaces such as cafes, restaurants, factories , etc.
Ceramic Mirror Power 6KW, Consumption 0.42kg/h, Thermal Coverage 9÷20m2, with 4 Infrared Ceramic Plates, 2 Heating Levels, Automatic Ignition, Metal Body, Tilting, Remote Control Operation, Ideal for Professional Spaces such as cafes, restaurants, factories , etc.,
Heating System Power 35.5KW, Consumption 2.5kg/h, Thermal Coverage 42÷70m2, with 12 Ceramic Plates, 2 Heating Levels, Operation with Remote Control, Ideal for Professional Spaces such as cafes, restaurants, factories, etc.,
Θερμαντικό Σύστημα Ισχύος 56KW, Κατανάλωσης 3.94kg/h, Θερμικής Κάλυψης 80÷135m2, με 24 Κεραμικές Πλάκες, 2 Βαθμίδες Θέρμανσης, Λειτουργία με Τηλεχειριστήριο, Ιδανικό για Επαγγελματικούς Χώρους όπως καφετέριες, εστιατόρια, εργοστάσια, κ.α.
Ceramic Gas Mirrors for Commercial Spaces Power 3.5KW, Consumption 0.28 kg/h, Thermal Coverage 25÷30m2, 2 Ceramic Tiles, Also available with a stainless steel protective cover
Ceramic Gas Mirrors for Commercial Spaces Power 6.7KW, Consumption 0.38 kg/h, Thermal Coverage 30÷40m2, 4 Ceramic Tiles, Also available with a stainless steel protective cover
Ceramic Gas Mirrors for Commercial Spaces with Automatic Ignition, Power 5.7÷14.3KW, Consumption 0.38÷0.95kg/h, Thermal Coverage 30÷70m2, with 4 to 10 Ceramic Tiles
Ceramic Gas Mirrors for Commercial Spaces with Manual Ignition, Power 1.9÷2.9KW, Consumption 0.15÷0.23kg/h, Thermal Coverage 10m2, with 2 Ceramic Tiles
Ceramic Mirror for LPG Bottle with Thermal Safety, Power 2.9 KW, Consumption 200gr/h
Ceramic Mirror for LPG Bottle, Power 2.9 KW, Consumption 200gr/h
Pine type heater for 2kg or 3kg LPG Bottle, Power 1.7KW, Consumption 174gr/h
Radiant Heaters for Ceiling Installation, Power 15÷50KW, Consumption 0.7÷3.5kg/h, Length 6÷12m
Radiation Heaters for Use in Poultry Farms, Greenhouses, Pig Stalls, etc., ON/OFF Operation with Thermostat and Distance Sensor, Power 30÷40KW, Length 6m
Radiant Heaters for Ceiling Installation, Power 30÷45KW, Length 12÷18m
Temperature setting for all FRACCARO radiation systems.
Radiation Mirror with Ceramic Focuses, High Performance Mirror, Solenoid Valve, Electronic, Starter & Ionization Electrode Set
Radiation Mirror with Ceramic Focuses, High Performance Mirror, Solenoid Valve, Electronic, Starter & Ionization Electrode Set
Radiant Heaters Suitable for Use in Temples, Power 7÷18KW
Radiant Heaters Suitable for Use in Temples, Power 7÷30KW, Two Stages
Radiation Mirror with Ceramic Focuses, High Performance Mirror, Solenoid Valve, Electronic, Starter & Ionization Electrode Set
Air-Gas Mixture Combustion Heating Ducts, Radiant Heating, Fanless Operation, Zone-Specific Heating Capable, Double Safety Tubular Gas Valve, Steel Ducts, 5 Heat Levels with Remote Control, Heat Level and Error Alert, Safety Valve
Heating System Power 38.5KW, Consumption 2.67kg/h, Thermal Coverage 55÷90m2, with 24 Ceramic Plates, 2 Heating Levels, Operation with Remote Control, Ideal for Professional Spaces such as cafes, restaurants, factories, etc.
Heating System Power 48KW, Consumption 3.37kg/h, Thermal Coverage 56÷94m2, with 24 Ceramic Plates, 2 Heating Levels, Operation with Remote Control, Ideal for Professional Spaces such as cafes, restaurants, factories, etc.
Radiant Heaters for Ceiling Installation, Power 15÷50KW, Consumption 0.7÷3.5kg/h, Length 6÷12m
Heating System Power 25KW, Consumption 1.76kg/h, Thermal Coverage 35÷60m2, with 12 Ceramic Plates, 2 Heating Levels, Operation with Remote Control, Ideal for Professional Spaces such as Cafes, Restaurants, Factories, etc.,
Air-Gas Combustion Heating Pipes, Radiant Heating, Fanless Operation, with Specific Zone Heating Capability, Double Safety Gas Solenoid Valve, Steel Pipes, 5 Heating Levels with Remote Control, Heating Level and Error Notification, Safety Valve
Radiant Heaters for Ceiling Installation, Power 30÷45KW, Length 12÷18m
Ceramic Mirror for LPG Bottle with Thermal Safety, Power 2.9 KW, Consumption 200gr/h
Radiant Heaters for Ceiling Installation, Power 15÷50KW, Consumption 0.7÷3.5kg/h, Length 6÷12m
Radiant Heaters for Ceiling Installation, Power 30÷45KW, Length 12÷18m
Radiation Mirror with Ceramic Focuses, High Performance Mirror, Solenoid Valve, Electronic, Starter & Ionization Electrode Set
Radiation Mirror with Ceramic Focuses, High Performance Mirror, Solenoid Valve, Electronic, Starter & Ionization Electrode Set
Radiation Mirror with Ceramic Focuses, High Performance Mirror, Solenoid Valve, Electronic, Starter & Ionization Electrode Set
5.3KW Gas Power Mirror with 3 Ceramic Plates and Manual Ignition
Ceramic Mirror for LPG Bottle, Power 2.9 KW, Consumption 200gr/h
Θερμαντικά Σώματα Ακτινοβολίας για Τοποθέτηση σε Οροφή, Ισχύος 15÷50KW, Κατανάλωσης 0,7÷3,5kg/h, Μήκους 6÷12m
Air-Gas Combustion Heating Pipes, Radiant Heating, Fanless Operation, with Specific Zone Heating Capability, Double Safety Gas Solenoid Valve, Steel Pipes, 5 Heating Levels with Remote Control, Heating Level and Error Notification, Safety Valve
Radiant Heaters for Ceiling Installation, Power 15÷50KW, Consumption 0.7÷3.5kg/h, Length 6÷12m